
Novi Food Pantry: The Food Pantry has been housed at Faith Community since 1981. It distributes canned goods, non-perishables, household goods, and hygiene products to low income families every other Monday from 9:00 – 10:00 AM.
Everyone Eats (E1E) Soup Kitchen: In partnership with 6 other churches, Faith Community shops, prepares, and serves hot lunches to the thousands of homeless and poor at the Spirit of Hope Church in Detroit each year. Each church takes a different Wednesday or Tuesday and collaboratively hosts more elaborate holiday meals on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Faith Community serves on the first Wednesday of the month. In addition to meals, collections of clothing, toiletries, shoes/boots, household goods are distributed to the homeless and poor. Annually, about 150 winter toiletry care packages are assembled together at the Advent Workshop to hand out at the Christmas soup kitchen lunch. Gifts for children are wrapped and sent home with the parents who cannot afford to buy Christmas presents.
Foster Care: Faith Community partners with the Faith Communities Coalition on Foster Care in many ministries throughout the year. A group of women at Faith also meet monthly to sew hundreds of customized pillowcases for foster care children each year.
Financial Support of other Organizations: Faith Community annually sends financial support to: Coalition of Temporary Shelter (COTS), Fort Street Presbyterian Church ‘Open Door’ Ministry, Detroit Habitat for Humanity, Novi Youth Assistance, and Detroit Presbytery Shared Missions – and disaster relief efforts. Faith Community Missions also lends support to our congregation’s seminary students.
Other Community Service Missions: Crop Walk for Church World Service, American Red Cross blood drives, Tomato Challenge and garden. Faith is also the host location for weekly AA meetings.
Operation Care Abroad: Annual financial support to Operation Care Abroad, a medical mission in the Philippines that provides free anesthesia and surgical intervention to patients in need.